Peisakhin, Leonid, Nik Stoop, and Peter van der Windt. First View. "Who Hosts? The Correlates of Hosting the Internally Displaced." American Political Science Review. [link to journal ] [appendix] [replication materials]
Barceló, Joan, Jeffrey Jensen, Leonid Peisakhin, and Haoyu Zhai. 2024. "New Estimates of U.S. Civil War Mortality from Full Census Records." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(48): 1-3. [link to journal] [replication materials]​​​
​Chang, Han Il and Leonid Peisakhin. 2023. "Does the Procedural Act of Electing Leaders Enhance Cooperation in Divided Societies? Experimental Evidence from Lebanon." Electoral Studies 84: 1-7. [link to journal] [paper] [appendix]
Charnysh, Volha and Leonid Peisakhin. 2022. "The Role of Communities in Preserving Political Identities: Evidence from Forced Population Transfers". British Journal of Political Science 52(1): 238-258. [link to journal] [paper] [appendix] [replication materials]
Peisakhin, Leonid, Arturas Rozenas, and Sergey Sanovich. 2020. " Mobilizing Opposition Voters Under Electoral Authoritarianism: A Field Experiment in Russia". Research and Politics, October-December 2020: 1-7. [link to journal] [paper] [appendix] [replication materials]​​
Chang, Han Il and Leonid Peisakhin. 2019. "Building Cooperation Among Groups in Conflict: An Experiment on Intersectarian Cooperation in Lebanon". American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 146-162. [link to journal] [paper] [appendix] [replication materials]
Peisakhin, Leonid and Arturas Rozenas. 2018. "Electoral Effects of Biased Media: Russian Television in Ukraine". American Journal of Political Science 62(3): 535-550. [link to journal] [paper] [appendix] [replication materials]
Lupu, Noam and Leonid Peisakhin. 2017.* "The Legacy of Political Violence Across Generations". American Journal of Political Science 61(4): 836-851. [link to journal] [paper] [appendix] [replication materials]​
* Winner of the 2018 Luebbert Award for Best Article, Comparative Politics Section, APSA
Erratum to "The Legacy of Political Violence Across Generations. Published in 2023.
Peisakhin, Leonid. 2012. "Transparency and Corruption: Evidence from India." Journal of Law and Economics 55(1): 129-149. [paper]
Peisakhin, Leonid and Paul Pinto. 2010. "Is Transparency an Effective Anti-Corruption Strategy? Evidence from a Field-Experiment in India". Regulation and Governance 4(3): 261-280. [paper]
Peisakhin, Leonid. 2015. "Cultural Legacies: Persistence and Transmission" in Norman Schofield and Gonzalo Caballero, eds. The Political Economy of Governance: Studies in Political Economy. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International: 21-39.
Peisakhin, Leonid. 2011. "Field Experimentation and the Study of Corruption" in Susan Rose-Ackerman and Tina Søreide, eds. International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption, vol. 2. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing: 335-355.